Tuesday, 23 September 2008

John Stuart Mill

I am reading Kwame Anthony Appiah's Ethics of Identity. Appiah is a philosopher here exploring the relationship between individuality and ethics. Particularly, he has evoked the topic of "ethical flourishing," defining that as, in my paraphrase, living the best life one can lead.

His whole first chapter is on John Stuart Mill. There's a quote of of Mill's which I must duplicate here. This was written in a letter to his friend, David Barclay:

"'There is only one plain rule of life eternally binding...try thyself unweariedly till thou findest the highest thing thou art capable of doing, faculties and outward circumstances being both duly considered, and then DO IT.'"

How can I expound on this without taking away from it? I believe it stands on its own...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim:
    Enjoying your blog. This is a great way to post your updates.

    I can't believe you and Chad have been in Scotland for a whole year.
    Every morning when I drink my English Breakfast tea, I think of the two of you. :)

    I'm reading Priscilla Shrier's "He Speaks to Me" right now. It is an easy read, but has a lot to think about.

    Thinking of you.


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